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Bhai Sukhjinder Singh Ji (UK) & Jatha - Karo Benantiya


KARO BENANTIYA - The new Kirtan Album by Bhai Sukhjinder Singh Ji & Jatha (UK) - listen to promo here!

Karo Benantiya covers shabads which take the listener through a journey of different stages of a Sikhs life. Starting with the ardas, then joining the sangat of saints, sacrificing one self and then finally becoming one with Vaheguru in anand.

Bhai Kuljit Singh provides English katha as well to accompany the understanding of the kirtan.

The album will be available for download from iTunes, Google and Amazon on the 22nd Feb and all profits will go to seva to further parchar of Sikhi! So please support and enjoy the bliss of the kirtan!

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