Introducing Harmesh Sandhu (Promos)
Click For an Exclusive 1 to 1 at the Launch Party and Images and Video Footage

How it all started...
Born in 1987 in Reading (U.K). Bred in Singapore until the age of 13 and lived in the U.K ever since...
Harmesh lived and grew up in Singapore at a young age with the guidence of his uncle's and their familes. Today, for the kind of person Harmesh Sandhu is, is all because of them and their teachings...
Before becoming a professional Bhangra vocal, Harmesh Sandhu had the dreams of Being a 'Fighter Pilot' or a 'police officer' but as the years went past, those ambition slowly wore off...
It was only 4 years ago during one of his cousin's wedding in Singapore that he realised he had the voice to sing. At first he didn't really think much of it but then he started to get alot good feed back from friends and family saying he's really good and should concider doing it professionally. Ever since then Harmesh has been performing professionally at weddings, parties, Asian Arts and cultural shows.
Harmesh is very proud to say:
"I really enjoy singing and entertaining the crowd. Thankfully by god grace, every performance i have done has been a success...There was times at first where i was really nervous but after performing all the time u get the hang of it and become even more confident. Now i can proudly say i'm ready to perform infront of any sort of croud. Hopefully it will continue like this throughout my musical journey with the help of my fans, family and friends...'
Doing it 'Professional'....
Harmesh Sandhu was introduced to a producer, Nin FX, by a friend. Ever since Nin FX heard Harmesh's voice, they both came to an agreement to work on Harmesh Sandhu's solo album.
This will be the first album for both upcomin artist and will be 'A ten track Solid Album. A few tracks such as 'Akhiya Da Tera Mera, Aja Sohni Aja, Jaan Kadke' and Harmesh's own version of 'Jind Mahi' has already been made and performed at a few gigs.
The album should hopefully be ready to release by the end of 2008 or early 2009.
His biggest inspiration...
"My biggest inspirations have been DCS, Jassi Sidhu and Juggy D. I really like the way they sing and enjoy entertaining the crowd as they perform. I personally perform and sing the way i do and do not copy anybody else's style....I watch and learn how other artists do their thing and then inprovise and do it my own way without copyin anyone else's work. I do it the Harmesh Sandhu way..."

Recently Harmesh has entered himself into a talent competion on Juggy Ds social entertainment website, by uploading afew of his tracks on the sites talent search page. Thankfully by public votes Harmesh Sandhu, aswell as afew others had a chance to perform at Asianaffair nights Lauch party at Mango's in London and at the Lauch Party at The Crown Conference Centre. Not only he had the crowd 'Rocking' at both venue's but he also won the first round of the talent competion performing his own version of 'Jind Mahi'...
He says "I'm gonna do my very best in getting through as many rounds as possible and hopefully go till the very end...let's see how it goes...The talent search on the website is very useful as there are alot of unknown talent that need help in being recognised for what they are capible of doing. Having this system is a brillint way of exposure..."
Profile, Promo's and Videos of Harmesh Sandhu can be found at the following link:-
Various Performances -