Update From Deeper Era Records

DaReeper and Hash founded Deeper Era Records in 2000. Since the success of Desi Licks Volume One, DaReeper and Hash have been working in the background and getting ready to drop the new album.
The duo have been behind the scenes getting together what they required to make the biggest impact on the music industry. After meeting up with Soundz 2 the Future, the pair has made many links from India to Canada and even Australia..
New signing; GSChaggar has been working on his album for a number of years. After producing with MC Creed, GSChaggar has found a new singer who will take over!… and believe me, the world isn’t ready for him…and last but not least, this new blood.. Catmoney (Managed by Slim) straight out of Birmingham and this guy is going to be big...
Deeper Era Records brought you Asian gigs to the midlands with the help of HMC. This MC brought together the best artists around to perform together such as Aman Hayer, Dr Zeus, Dj Vix, Dj Juvenile, Dj Kasanova and many more all in the same arena.
Those were the days…today has just begun…
GSChaggar's Album Release Due June/July 2007 entitled "420"
Compilation Album Release Due Summer 2007 entitled "Deadly"