UK Garry Sandhu vs India Garry Sandhu - Who do you prefer?
Garry Sandhu has now established himself in both the UK & India - But which musical side of Garry Sandhu do you prefer? UK or India?
Garry Sandhu first started his singing career in the UK, in the summer of 2010. In the space of a year he became THE biggest star in the UK, racking up a number of hits! January 2012 saw him controversially deported from the UK.
Since he has been in India, Garry has released his debut album 'Magic' - So which side do you prefer? - We won't include 'Brick' or 'Ik Gal' - As they're in-between both sides!
UK Garry Sandhu
India Garry Sandhu
In India, Garry has so far released the album 'Magic' feat the songs 'Raatan', 'Door' & 'Hang'