JK - Chooteh Laareh (Download Now!)

VIP Records are proud to present the second single from JK.
Born in the UK, JK has worked with the legendary writer Chan Gorayawala on this single, Chooteh Laareh.
{audio}images/stories/Bhangra09/JK -Chooteh Laareh.mp3{/audio} (Listen to JK -Chooteh Laareh)
JK is emphasis on the Folk vibe as there a few Folk tracks being released these days. The music is directed by Sukhjit Singh Olk aka Tru-Skool. ‘Chooteh Laareh’ is aimed for a particular market and is a personal track which JK is really passionate about.
Download ‘Chooteh Laareh’ now from HERE
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