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Harmz Matharu - Raa Jandhe

‘3Q Records’ & ‘3Q Media’ present “Harmz Matharu” with his first single in 2024 titled ‘Raa Jandhe.

“Harmz Matharu” is a UK born Punjabi music artist. Hailing from the Bhangra capital of Handsworth in Birmingham, Harmz is no stranger to the scene. After over a decade of dedication to music, under the guidance and tutelage of the world renowned “Ustaad Ajit Singh Mutlashi”. Harmz has continued to develop his style, showing versatility and soulfulness in his music be it the Bhangra sounds of ‘Pariyah Toh Sohni’, ‘Gabru’, ‘Jaan Vasdi’ or the more RnB vibes of ‘Suit Patiala’.

Following the release of his last single ‘Jaan Vasdi’ Ft. “Jus Ritz” in 2022, “Harmz Matharu” is back with his fifth single ‘Raa Jandhe’ and his first release under the multi award winning record label “3Q Records”. ‘Raa Jandhe’ takes us through a story, a journey to the destination filled with emotion and passion.

For his latest single, Harmz teams up with Canadian producer “Samson Music” and California based lyricist “Chan Mudhawala”, bringing us a single full of RnB vibes with modern lyrics and composition, accompanied by soulful vocals. The song will deliver a music video shot by “TXN Visuals". Harmz has always passionately spoken about his musical influences growing up and classical roots and this single is one that is taking it back to his roots.

There is a lot more to come from Harmz, with his catalogue of music increasing with projects with several producers and musicians over the next 12 months.

‘Raa Jandhe by “Harmz Matharu” is now available on all major platforms.

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