Kuldeep Purewal - Diljaani (Promos)

Kuldeep Purewal’s debut album on the Genie Records album showcases his undoubted power and class as one of the most versatile vocalists in the UK.
Produced by the prolific Aman Hayer at the world famous Planet Studios, the album offers a wicked mix of desi rhythms and vocals trapped inside an upbeat dance album. Purewal, who grew up in Punjab, started his musical education in the classical field music before continuing his career through singing competitions and
live stage shows.
This eight-track album is the first mainstream Bhangra album he has recorded in his career.
In the past, Kuldeep Purewal has scored huge hits with his past efforts alongside RDB, namely ‘Balle Balle’ from the Sounds of the North album and ‘Thenu Thakia’ from Unstoppable.
His last studio album was the album ‘Sohniye’ which was produced by the legendary Charanjit Ahuja.
Purewal stakes out his musical territory right away, with the first two songs on Diljaani.
‘Je Peeni Shad Ti,’ ready to storm the dance floors and make the summer even
hotter to ‘Kardiyan’ with its funky guitar riffs and loping Aman Hayer inspired Punjabi rhythms.
A duet with Bollywood diva Jayshree 'Dil Lut Lai' further showcases the versatile vocals of Purewal.
Genie Records have just completed two videos for the album launch with ‘Kardiyan’ being shot in the locales of Mumbai last month which are now showcasing on all the
major TV networks in the UK.
Kuldeep Purewal is also set to launch his live stage set to the UK audiences with this new album.
‘Diljaani’ by Kuldeep Purewal is out 12th June 2007 on the Genie Records label
Produced by the prolific Aman Hayer at the world famous Planet Studios, the album offers a wicked mix of desi rhythms and vocals trapped inside an upbeat dance album. Purewal, who grew up in Punjab, started his musical education in the classical field music before continuing his career through singing competitions and
live stage shows.
This eight-track album is the first mainstream Bhangra album he has recorded in his career.
In the past, Kuldeep Purewal has scored huge hits with his past efforts alongside RDB, namely ‘Balle Balle’ from the Sounds of the North album and ‘Thenu Thakia’ from Unstoppable.
His last studio album was the album ‘Sohniye’ which was produced by the legendary Charanjit Ahuja.
Purewal stakes out his musical territory right away, with the first two songs on Diljaani.
‘Je Peeni Shad Ti,’ ready to storm the dance floors and make the summer even
hotter to ‘Kardiyan’ with its funky guitar riffs and loping Aman Hayer inspired Punjabi rhythms.
A duet with Bollywood diva Jayshree 'Dil Lut Lai' further showcases the versatile vocals of Purewal.
Genie Records have just completed two videos for the album launch with ‘Kardiyan’ being shot in the locales of Mumbai last month which are now showcasing on all the
major TV networks in the UK.
Kuldeep Purewal is also set to launch his live stage set to the UK audiences with this new album.
‘Diljaani’ by Kuldeep Purewal is out 12th June 2007 on the Genie Records label
1. Kardiyan
2. Peeni Shad Ti
3. Dil Lut Lai
4. Diljaani
5. Sap Banke
6. Dhol Vajde
7. Nachna
8. Lengeh Vaaliye