Sanjay Johal - Life and Reality
Already on the playlist of most radio channels, the album has been receiving a fantastic response. Under the tutelage of Ustad Baldev Singh Mastana Ji, the album’s opening and title track – Dhol Vajada – has been receiving much critical acclaim.
Featuring singers such as J.Deep, Pargan Bhandal, and Sham Bhateja, the album is destined to sit amongst the best of bhangra releases this year.
As a prominent DJ, Sanjay is different as he has produced the music himself and not relied on ‘ghost producers’. As a DJ he has performed at many high profile shows.
Ninder Johal from Nachural Records comments:
‘Sanjay has produced a great album which is surprising for a debut release. We anticipate a good response from Europe and India. Nachural look forward to working with Sanjay on a long and fruitful career’.
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