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Listen to Promo - {audio}media/Music/Dec10/Challeh Mundhia - Sample.mp3{/audio}

'Challeh Mundhia' is produced by the well renowned producer Tru-Skool. The single is vibrant and fresh just the kind of music to mark a new year.

JK's debut album is set to release early 2011, it consists of 12 tracks each with their own unique style and meaning. The album will definitely cater to a whole palette of tastes musically and lyrically. The album is produced by Tru-Skool the man behind JK's previous tracks 'Gabru Panjab Dha', 'Pat Liyah', 'Chooteh Laareh'.

After an amazing year for JK, 2011 looks set to be another great year for this talented young singer.

'Challeh Mundhia' is available to download now from from iTunes!