AG Dolla - Pack it Up (Exclusive Video)

Just when you thought you had Mr. Shah pinned as the comical rapper that touches on issues we all relate with, AG Dolla throws you off guard with a heartfelt story of passion and struggle.
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The talented AG Dolla now proves himself as a true artist. The production value and acting in Pack It Up, the fourth single from 'Mr. Shah' sets this video apart from the rest and will be remembered for a long time to come.
When speaking with AG Dolla, he said "Everyone thinks the road to success is easy. I just wanted to show the fans some of the struggles we face in the pursuit of our dreams'.
No doubt this is something everyone can relate to and proves once more AG Dolla is here to stay.
AG Dolla has been nominated for the second year running for the best urban act at the UK AMAs. Please show your continued support in every way possible. - The Home of Bhangra Online