Kidd Skilly - Dreamer **New Release
President Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America, fulfilling the dream of civil rights leader Martin Luther King that African-Americans would one day be able to aspire to the highest office in the land. "Dreams" has been an integral part of President Obamas, message and that of Detroit based artist Kidd Skilly, who has released a track called "Dreamer," celebrating the ability to have desires for a better tomorrow.
Kidd Skilly who has been an active campaigner for Obama, during the election, sought fit to end one chapter of the Obama story, and the beginning of next with a tribute song. The main theme of the track is summarized by the chorus,
Maybe I'm a dreamer;
cuz if this aint supposed to be baby let me dream on
I can change reality.
If you aren't dreaming about a better tomorrow, how can things ever change for the better in the present?
I guess we both need ta change cuz right now someone s dying for no reason
and we dont seem to care unless we stop breathin
we wanna make a change but we dont believe it
lets change
Obama said in his inauguration speech, "America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we, the people, have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears and true to our founding documents." When asked about this statement, Kidd Skilly said, "Having a vision and goals, are an integral part of people's desire to live, and staying to true to your ideals is makes one true to their heart.
Dreamer, is the second track released off Kidd Skilly's upcoming mix-tape UnderCover SuperStar 2, which has already given us Just Dance, featuring catchy Hindi and Punjabi lyrics to the instrumentals of the hit song with the same title, by Lady Gaga. Be sure to get your free copy of Dreamer, at, and enjoy the tribute to President Obama and everyone's dreams.
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