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Desi Frenzy - Keep Moving

The Superstar DJ Desi Frenzy makes his debut with a song about mental health.

Desi Frenzy is a global brand we've come to recognise as the 'Remix King', with over 85 million views on youtube and countless A-Listers amongst his fans, so when he announced his debut production, audiences were expecting more of the same. But Frenzy had different ideas "I wanted to start this journey in a positive, meaningful way. This project is aimed towards raising awareness about mental health in the South Asian community."

Mental health is still a taboo subject, seen in a negative light amongst this community. This negative mindset can discourage them from talking about it and reaching out for help from their loved ones or from health services. With this song we're hoping it'll trigger a conversation amongst one another.

Frenzy has a very personal connection to the themes in the song, which has been in the making for the last 18 months "two very close family members have suffered with mental health in recent times and it