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Subaig Singh - Sochi Na

After a successful year Subaig Singh Kandola releases another track titled

Top Punjabi Songs from Subaig Singh are coming in thick and fast in 2020 and with the latest Punjabi songs such as Att, Vichoda, Nain Chandre, 137 Di Speed and Tofani Jatt, She Dances, Warrior, Koka Belly Da, Damn Damn, Rabaab, Flying High and Going Crazy, we are sure that Sochi Na ft Surinder Rattan is going to be one of the Top Punjabi Songs of 2020. This is an urban future garage track, in-line with the kind of music which is trending in in the UK in the late 1990s and early 2000s. A very unique and different sound from Subaig Singh.

Punjabi and English Singer