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Win a Set of 4cds Courtesy of Vip Records!

To celebrate the end of 2011, have managed to hook up exclusively with VIP Records to give-away 5 sets of 4 cds; Jk - Gabru Panjab Dha, Jasjot Singh - Yellow Brick Road, Josh - Beyond Kismat and Mani Hype - Ballistic!

To have a chance to win one of these amazing sets all you have to do is answer this simple question!

In which year was VIP Records Established?

2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006.

Email the answer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Include your name, address, contact number!

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Remember if you don't send any details how can we send you your prize?

( You MUST Be Registered On The Site To take part in this Give-away - Click Below)
