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Lyrics By Guru Nanak - Mool Mantar Shabad (Out Now)

Dharam SEVA Records - Portraying the Foundations of Sikhism through the "Mool Mantar", watch video here!

This musical creation features the angelic voice of Shabad Deep Kaur a devotional singer and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher from Amsterdam. She was chosen to portray her version of the foundation scared words spoken by the 1st Guru in sikhism Worldly known as Guru Nanak.

Ravi Singh & Shar.S - Puchi Naa (Out Now)

After the huge success of the melodious song 'Akhiyaan', California duo, Singer And Rapper 'SHAR.S' along with the producer 'RAVI SINGH' after a break of two years are ready to release their Brand New Track titled 'PUCHI NAA' - By Believing The Promise To Give Quality Over Quantity.