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Jagowala Jatha & Inside-Man - Chanan Munare (Out Now)


Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh - The wait is finally up! Jagowala Jatha and the Inside-Man are bringing to you the full Sikh Devotional album titled 'Chanan Munare'- OUT NOW!

After the success of 'Rajoane Di Lalkar' and the mesmerizing song 'Insaaf', Jagowala Jatha and the Inside-Man now bring to you the full album titled 'Chanan Munare' which is set to be released on April 10th 2014 via all major digital stores and exclusive CD's.

The songs contained in this album will give listeners an insight into the true light of the rich Sikh history in a lyrical form through inspirational music made by no other then the Inside-Man.

'Chanan Munare', teaches how the Sikh community should look after the Sikh media throughout its many different platforms and how to enhance and shed light upon the sacrifices made by great heroic martyrs past and present. Jagowale believe that the congregation should take guidance from our history of sacrifices to make way for a bright and high spirited future for the Sikh nation.

This album also makes you aware of imposters who are against the Sikh faith, those who are out to tarnish and break down the faith, fake Gurus who are spreading the wrong messages alongside traitors and leaders.

Track Listing

1, Introduction

2, Rajoane Di Lalkaar

3, Singhaan Da Samaan

4, Hak Lainwale Soorme

5, Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji

6, Media

7, Sikhi De Kuharre

8, Beadbi

9, Pappi Poohle Da Sodha

10, Insaaf

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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