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JsL - The Godfather

Respected Listeners..

    Hello, Sat Shri Akal & Salam-Walekum

Am back again wid my new album introducing some new melodies. The name GodFather doesnt have anything to relate with my IDENTITY or ATTITUDe, I have given this name because for me, the compilation of all these tracks are on a new and better level as compared to my work before.

Again i would like to give all Credit to the Creators coz i`m just a Modifier and it was there dedication to make such Wonderful tracks..

1st Track is an Instrumental. The track is composed by Mr. CW Crisman, He played all the chords and i enjoyed adding all the spice [Beats] to it.

2nd & 5th Tracks are inter-related coz they both are MEGAMIXES!

8th Track "Shamur" is the track i wasted my Maximum time on. Do listen it THOROUGHLY!

10th & 15th Tracks are totally composed by myself. 10th Track i.e. "Eyes & Arrows" includes my VOCALS..

        Thats all from me folks..

     Hope you have a great time Listening to my new album..


        Just Sound Loud

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