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Johnny Kalsi & Dhol Foundation - After the Rain (Video)

Check out Johnny Kalsis first video for the Dhol Foundation!! The video comes from their previous album, "Drum-believable".

About to embark on his forth studio album to date, Johnny Kalsi is taking a traditional Punjabi instrument and using it to break down musical barriers by creating a sound for the world. The rhythm is infectious, the beats powerful and the melodies beautiful. He cites in his album sleeve
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From the young age of 8, Johnny knew that he wanted his life journey to be a musical one. During his childhood, he attended many family weddings where the ladies would sing folk songs and play a smaller version of the dhol called a dholak. He regularly took over from the women playing this instrument and this is where the journey began. Shortly thereafter, he started taking tabla lessons but once at school, he realized that he wanted to broaden his horizons and became a drum player for a jazz trio who regularly performed on the school stage and at community events. Flirting with different instruments allowed him to develop a varied range of musical tones and essentially, he managed to mesh eastern beats on western instruments. Whilst the dhol remained his first love, he refused to let its tradition define the music he created with it,