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Kuldeep Purewal - Make or Break (Out Now)

1-Purewal Tappe Feat: Lehmber Hussainpuri
2-Chutdi Safari Phirdi
3-Dharti Pair Na Laave
4-Kiteh Gayi Si Das Ni
5-Hai O Meriya Rabba
6-Koi Chand Charjao
7-Pata Pata Hoiya
8-Kedeh Kabaddi
9-Chan Veh
10-Nachdi Di Video Banoude
11-Koi Gabroo Top Da
The brand new album by vocalist Kuldeep Purewal is out now on the Moviebox label. The album features a massive collaboration with Lehmber Hussainpuri titled 'Purewal Tappe'.
'Make Or Break' features production from Bhinda Aujla, Jeeti, DJ Vix and many more!
The album is out now in all good asian music stores.