D.B.I - Absolut Bhangra 4 (Video World Premiere)

North American outfit Dhol Beat International are back with their video for Absolut Bhangra 4 featuring the tracks 'Punjabiyan dhe Dhol' and 'Mele Vich Dhol'. Catch the WORLD PREMIERE of the video below ONLY at SimplyBhangra.com
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{flvremote divid="AbsolutBhangra 4 _ Medley.flv" popup="true" autostart="true" img="http://www.simplybhangra.com/sb_front_video2.jpg" showstop="true" width="840" height="500" usefullscreen="true" stretch="3"}http://simplybhangra.com/media/videos/Mar10/Bhangra/AbsolutBhangra 4 _ Medley.flv{/flvremote} {avrpopup type="lightbox" id="AbsolutBhangra 4 _ Medley.flv"}Click here to turn the lights down!{/avrpopup}
***Pre-Order Special***
Place your order today and you will receive Free Shipping on this title (within the continental United States). The Full hard copy Double cd album will be shipped on the Official release date: Friday Mar 19th. *All orders after this date will be charged shipping as well.*
As an added bonus: You will receive 2 free tracks sent to your email the same day from the album. Save on Shipping and receive 2 Exclusive tracks "Punjabiyan dhe Dhol" and "Mele Vich Dhol" today!
Pre Order from: http://www.dholbeatinternational.com
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