Khiza Featuring Omer Nadeem - Dil Ka Diya (Video)

There have already been the videos Aey Khuda, Tareeyan De Loye Loye, Hogiya Na Pyar and now we bring you the video to Dil Ka Diya featuring Omer Nadeem the new kid on the block already making waves in the industry world-wide!
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In the Year of 2009 Summer, Khiza launched his anticipated album 'Turning Point' with already 14 albums to his credit, all produced under one roof.
He has collaborated with some of the biggest desi names brining a series of amazing acts to the asian music scene from the likes of Apache Indian, Mehsopuria, Suman, DJ Ams, to the likes of Alisha Chinoy, Mika Singh, Atif Aslam, Hadiqa Kiyani and Abrar Ul Haq to an international platform.
The Album Turning Point reflects the ups and downs of the producers experiences. The journey from one genre to another, reflecting on many thoughts, memories, feelings and emotions.
This is Omer Nadeem's second video first being Aey Khuda, The video was shot in Karachi and features Armeena a up and coming model based in Manchester UK.
This video was shot by none other then Khiza himself! A singer/ producer/ dancer and now VIDEO DIRECTOR! What else does Khiza have under his sleeves... we will wait and see...
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